This is the fifth load
I've hauled this morning!
- When do you begin salting?
- One of these evenings.
'Ntoni caught so many anchovies
that we have to start salting soon.
You'd better.
Otherwise they'll go bad.
If we're lucky...
we'll sell the whole batch
and pay off the bank.
That debt sticks in our throat
like a bone.
- Will you help me push the cart?
- Of course, Mara.
I won't need you now.
Come here
and take this money.
Buy yourselves something.
We're all busy at home now.
There's cloth to weave
and nets to make.
Now that you're a boat-owner's
daughter and rich...
you'll soon get married.
God will decide that.
In the meantime,
I don't even think about it.
How wonderful it must be
to be rich.
To marry whoever you like,
live wherever you like.
Well, here we are.
You'd better be going.
The other masons
must be waiting for you.
Thanks, Nicola.
My brothers are up by now.
They'll help me with the sacks.
So long, Mara, and good luck...
with all my heart.
While many are attracted
by riches...
others are frightened off.
It was with a heavy heart
that Nicola wished Mara well...
for he's well aware
how these things work.