Ladri di biciclette

Here. You got paint on you.
Listen, a man who's been robbed
has the right to look.

You see it's my bicycle.
We all make mistakes.
Hey, friend!
Here we're all honest.
Come on.
Remember, a Fides.

- Where is my son?
- Must be near the carts.

There's nothing more here.
It's difficult. Difficult.
Want something else?
I told you to stay close to me.
Come on, let's go.
Antonio, he'll go with you.
We'll stay here. You never know.

I say it's better here.
It's too late for the other market.

Come on.
Take him to the Porta Portese.

Can't win.
Every Sunday it rains!

Sundays I'm through at 1:00.
And where can you go?
