[ Master Of Ceremonies ]
On the pages ofAmerican folklore,
a legion ofmighty men have left
the symbols oftheir greatness,
There was Paul Bunyan ´s ax;
John Henry´s hammer;
Davy Crockett´s rifle;
and then,
quite unexpectedly,
one comes upon a tin pot hat,
a bag ofapple seed,,,
and a holy book,
And strangely enough,
these are the symbols of one
ofthe mightiest men ofall--
John Chapman,
a real-life pioneer,
With the passingyears, however,
reality has given way to legend,
until today we know this remarkable man
simply as Johnny Appleseed,
This is his story, told by
an old settler who knewJohnny well,
[ Old Settler Narrating ] Well, sir,
every time I see an apple blossom sky,,,
I think ofJohnny Appleseed,
´cause, of course, them clouds up thar,
they ain ´t really clouds at all,
No, sir,
Why, shucks, there wouldn ´t
be no apple blossom sky,,,
ifit weren ´t for the fact
But now, hold on here, Guess I´d better
start back to the beginnin ´,
That´s when Johnny lived
on a farm near Pittsburgh town,
The year was 1 806,
or maybe there around,
Now,just to look at him
you´d sayJohnny Appleseed
never would make a pioneer,
- ## [ Whistl i ng ]
- He was such a sawed-off,
scrawny little fella,
´Course that didn´t
faze Johnny none,
Shucks, he had his apple trees and
the morning sun and the evening breeze,
- ## [ Conti nues Whistl i ng ]
- [ Twitteri ng ]
# The Lord is good to me #
# And so I thank the Lord #
# For givin´ me
the things I need #
# The sun and rain
and an apple seed #
#Yes, He´s been good
to me #
## [ Continues Whistling ]