## [ Men Singing, Faint ]
a rumblin´, rollin´ underbeat
ofrestless men and restless feet,
# Get on the wagon
rol I i n´ west #
- # There´s plenty of room for you #
- # Plenty of room for you #
# Get on the wagon
rollin´ west #
# Out to the great unknown #
# Get on the wagon
rollin´ west#
# Oryou´ll be left alone #
[ Women ]
# We made a home before #
# We´re startin´ out again #
# We ain´t afeared
of man nor beast #
# We´re strong-hearted men #
[Joining I n ]
# So, get on the wagon rollin´ west #
# Seekin´ a land
that´s new #
# Get on the wagon
rollin´ west#
# There´s plenty ofroom
# Get on the wagon
rollin´ west#
# Out to the great unknown #
# Get on the wagon
rollin´ west #
# Oryou´ll be left alone #
# The rivers may be wide
The mountains may be tall #
# But nothin´ stops
the pioneer #
# We´re trailblazers all #
# So, get on the wagon
rollin´ west #
# Out to the great unknown #
# Get on the wagon
rollin´ west #
- # Or-- #
- [Men Continue ]
# Oryou´ll be left alone#
# You´ll be left alone ##
[ Old Settler]
He weren´t no pioneer,
and he knowed it,
It was alljust pretend,
and them folks goin´ west
to build this nation,,,
sure made pickin´apples look like
a plumb useless occupation,
- ## [ Fades ]
- Well, sir, that´s when
a miracle happened,
""Well, what´s holdin ´ya,Johnny?, ""
says a voice,
""Go on, Go on out west,
ifthat´s your choice, ""
Well, sir,
it was an angel,
Johnny´s own private
guardian angel,
Might look mighty queersome
to you and me,
but, you know, that´s just the way
John figured he ´d be,
Wel l, speak up, boy.
Don´t stand there gawki n´.
U nlock your jaw
and get to talkin´.
Y-Y-Yes, sir--
Yes, sir!.
Why don´t I go west?.
´Cause I ain´t got
the muscle...