I´m fine.
J ust feelin´--
Who is that,
sleepin´ in the evenin´ dusk?.
Why, that´s just your husk, John.
Your mortal husk.
My husk?.
You mean to say I´m--
I´m passed away?.
Dagnab it, Angel,
I just can´t go!
Got crops to harvest,
seeds to sow,
Now, now, hold on, boy.
Down here on Earth
your work is through,
but yonder,
well, we need ya, Johnny.
Yep, we sure do,
You´d think we had
most all we please,
but we ain´t.
We´re kinda short
on apple trees.
Well, I swan!
I didn´t know!
What are we waitin´ fer?.
Come on! Let´s go!
# We´re wastin´time
Let´s git it goin´#
# Git them apple trees
a-growin´ #
[ Together]
#There´s a lot ofwork up there to do #
# Oh, there´s a lot
ofwork to do #
[ OldSettler] Well, sir,
nowyou know the reason why,,,
whenever I see
that certain sky,,,
I think oflittleJohn,
´Cause it´s like I said,
ifyou´ll recall:.
Them clouds
ain´t really clouds at all,
They´re apple blossoms,
ifyou please,
from John ´s heavenly orchard
ofapple trees,
[ Chorus ]# Ohh, and some may hail
the apples there #
# For everyone in the world
to share #
[Johnny ]
# The Lord is good to me ##