-# Chug-a-chug-chug, heave-ho, my lad#
- [ T oot T oot ]
# I´m a big toot
just like my dad#
-# Pull big boats
with the old heave-ho #
- [ T oot T oot ]
# And away we go #
# Chug-a-chug, chug-chug
Chug-a-chug, chug-chug #
# Chug-a-chug, chug-chug
Chug-a-chug, chug-chug #
[ Coughi ng, Wheezi ng ]
- # He made the ocean liners wait #
- [ T oot T oot ]
-# While he made a figure eight #
- [ T oot T oot ]
# With the greatest of ease
he´d cut through the seas #
# And sli-i-i-ide #
-# But he went too far one day #
- [ T oot T oot ]
# When he slid in Big Toot´s way #
# And it wasn´t a joke for it
nearly broke Big Toot´s pride #
[ Sputteri ng ]
[ Coughi ng, Wheezi ng ]
# Won´tyou ever grow up
Little Toot #
# Won´tyou ever grow up
Little Toot #
[ Ship Horn Blowing ]
# When there´s work
to be done #
# Allyou think ofis fun #
# Won´tyou ever grow up
Little Toot #
# Ohhh #
# Little Toot
had quite a scare #
# He decided then and there #
# That he´d try to be good#
-# As good as he could be #
- [ Si ghs ]
[ Big Toot Tooting ]
# So when his dad
came puffin´slow #
# With a mighty ship in tow #
# Little Toot went to help him
take it out to sea #
[ T ooti ng ]
# Chug-a-chug-chug
Heave-ho, my lad#