[ Chattering Continues ]
[ Laughing ]
[Master OfCeremonies ] Here´s a
tall tale straight from the chuck wagon,
just the way the old-timers
used to tell ´em,
Accordin´ to them,
Pecos Bill was the roughest, toughest,
rootin ´-est, tootin ´-est
shootin ´-est cowpoke that ever lived,
Well, any story about ol´ Pecos
is bound to be right strong medicine,
so maybe it´s best to sashay into it
kinda gentle-like,
# Shades ofnight
are fallin ´#
# As the wind
begins to sigh #
# And the world
is silhouetted#
# ´Gainst the sky #
## [ Whistling ]
# Blue shadows #
- # On the trail #
-## [ Whistling ]
# Blue moon shinin ´#
-# Through the trees #
-## [ Whistling ]
# And the plaintive #