Dunson here says
he's leaving the train.
- Is that right? You leaving?
- I am.
You can't do that.
You signed on.
- You agreed--
- I signed nothing. If I had, I'd stay.
If you'll remember, I joined your train
after you left St. Louis.
Wait. You know this is Indian country.
You might be walking into trouble.
For two days past and this day
we've seen smoke and signs.
We know.
They're around somewhere.
I can feel them.
The Comanches are welcome to you,
but not to your bull and cows.
We need the beginnings of herds
in California.
You're right about one thing.
The beginning of herds.
But I'm starting my own herd.
I watched the land south of here
since we left the Salt Fork.
It's good land. Good grass for beef.
I'm going south where it is.
You're too good a gun for me to let you
leave the train now.
Then I'm too good a gun
for you to argue with.
If I was you, Colonel,
I'd ponder on letting him be.
He's a mighty set man when his mind's
made up. Even you can't change it.
He'll be heading south. Mind he don't
stomp on you on the way out.
- Are you leaving too?
- Colonel, me and Dunson--
Well, it's me and Dunson.
- Tell him I wish him luck.
- Good luck to you, Colonel.
- I decided last night.
- I decided too. I want to go with you.
- I'll send for you--
- I know you've work to do, Tom.
I want to be part of it.
I love you. I want to be with you.
- Not now.
- I'm asking you, Tom. Please take me.
I'm strong.
I can stand anything you can.
- It's too much for a woman.
- Too much for a woman?
Put your arms around me, Tom.
Hold me. Feel me in your arms.
Do I feel weak, Tom?
I don't, do l?
You'll need me.
You'll need a woman.
You need what a woman can give you
to do what you have to do.
Listen to me, Tom. Listen
with your head and your heart too.
The sun only shines half the time, Tom.
The other half is night.
- I've made up my mind.
- Once in your life, change your mind.