Red River

The Rio Grande--
Tell Don Diego all the land
north of that river is mine.

Tell him to stay off of it.
- But the land is his.
- Where did he get it?

Many years ago by grant and patent,
inscribed by the king of all Spain.

You mean he took it away
from whoever was here before.

- Indians maybe.
- Maybe so.

I'm taking it away from him.
Others have thought as you.
Others have tried.

And you've always been
good enough to stop them?

It is my work.
Pretty unhealthy job.
Get away, Matt.
I'm sorry for you--
How about you?
You want some of it?

It is not my land. I will wait
until Don Diego tells me what to do.

Go tell him what happened.
Tell him what I said.

Take your friend's horse.
We'll bury him. Move!

Matt, I told you to get away.
You might have got hurt.

He went for his gun first,
but you seemed to know--

Next time, do what I say.
- How'd you know he was gonna draw?
- By watching his eyes.

- Remember that.
- I will.

Get a shovel and my Bible.
I'll read over him.
"We brought nothing into this world,
and it's certain we carry nothing out.

The Lord gave,
and the Lord hath taken away.

Blessed be the name
of the Lord. Amen."

Turn 'em loose.
