Which trail to take? Yeah. San Saba,
then Meridian, then along the Brazos--
That's the long way around.
Along the Brazos and up Palo Pinto--
- I said that's the long way.
- I know it's the long way.
But there's good water
clear all the way up to the Red.
But going that way,
we'd get two extra crossings.
- You're not going. How do you know--
- I'm not?
No, you're not.
How do you know the water's good?
- I led a patrol that way.
- You think it's worth--
You think it's worth--
What are you mumbling about?
Where are those store teeth
Matt brought you?
- In my pocket.
- Why don't you use them?
They whistle.
I use them for eating.
- Can't understand you.
- Everybody else can.
What did you say?
I said, there's a lot of things
you don't know about, Mr. Dunson.
- What?
- First, about me going on this drive.
Go ahead.
- It's a thousand miles to Missouri?
- That's right.
You figure me and my bad leg
couldn't ride a horse that far.
-That's it.
-It might be I could ride a chuck wagon.
We've already got a cook.
That is right, Mr. Dunson.
But might be Old Cookie might not
like grubbing the trip all that way.
You heard me good that time,
didn't you?
It might be the time of year when old
Cookie would like a change of scenery.
Might be I already persuaded him,
'cause he up and quit this morning!
Well, then, it might be we could
persuade you to drive the chuck wagon.
Might be, Mr. Dunson. Might be.
That's a pretty nice gun
you're scratching those matches on.
- How is your gun arm?
- I've used it a lot the last few years.
- Get me my horse, will you, Matt?
- Yeah.
Funny thing about guns--
I haven't heard that
in a lot of years.
He beat you.
You knew it was coming. He beat you.
I'd say he was just a little faster,
just a mite faster than you was.
Matt, draw up a map of that country
we were talking about--
I did. It's on your desk.
Mite faster
about a lot of things.