Another Meeker.
- Turn him loose.
- Hold it!
- Put a brand on him.
- It's a Meeker steer.
- I said brand him.
- He's wearing a Meeker iron.
I can't see it.
Brand him.
All right, but the next one up
is another Diego.
Brand him.
Put the iron
on all of them, Teeler.
Anything you see, slap it with
a Red River D and burn it deep.
Why not?
You're going to wind up branding
every rump in Texas except mine.
Hand me that iron.
- You don't think I'd do it, do you?
- No, I don't.
I'm going to Missouri with every steer,
cow and bull I can lay my hands on.
I think Meeker might be real pleased
to see our brand on his stock.
That I'll argue with Meeker.
And now might be a good time. He's
even got some people to back him up.
I want to see this.
Howdy, Dunson. Matt.
I hear you're making
a drive, Dunson.
News travels fast.
Yeah, we're going to Missouri.
That's what I heard. I also heard
something else yesterday.
Cumberland, a neighbor of mine,
drove 3,000 head to the Red River.
When he got across,
the Missouri border gangs jumped him...
stole the herd, killed all his men.
- Hard luck.
- You know about it then?
I know about Cumberland and Shriver
and a lot of others...
but nobody's gonna take my cattle.
I don't want anybody
to take mine either.
I hear some of my brand
wandered over this way.
- Mind if we look your herd over?
- I do mind.
- You'd stop us?
- Yeah, we would.
Can't you hold that horse still?