There they are, Matt.
Fourteen years of hard work.
And they say
we can't make the drive.
They could be wrong.
Better be.
Teeler, you and Walt and Simms
are on the next watch.
Breakfast at 4:30, Groot.
Trail at 5:00.
All right, Tom.
Hey, Quo, when you're
finished there, get some--
What's the matter?
- Grub finished?
- Sure. I ate.
- Give 'em tooth.
- Teeth, I told you.
It's only a few hours until morning.
I'll be using them again.
Come morning, you get them.
This is getting to be plumb crazy.
We been doing this all day.
By the time we get to Missouri,
we'll have them all wore out...
passing them back and forth
and back and forth.
Tell you what I'll do.
I'll give you 100% profit.
I'll give you two dollars
for your half interest.
Not now. When I get it.
When we finish the drive.
I get money,
you get 'em tooth.
Teeth, you dumb heathen.
Why do I always have to--
Oh, what's the use?
The way we worked it,
along the Brazos, the Palo Pinto...
up to the Red,
then north to Sedalia.
You make that drive to Sedalia
look very easy.
There are a lot of rough boys along
the border. I just got back from there.
You want to stick your nose
back in that country?
Cherry, how come
you joined the drive?
Just a notion I had.
Then Matt turned me down.