I don't like coyotes.
I had a little roan horse once,
and they--
I wish he'd quit a-yowling.
Bothering the cattle.
Making them spooky.
The dust and wind today
put them on the prod.
Wouldn't take much
to stampede the whole outfit.
I was in a stampede once.
Don't want no more.
Nighthawk sneezed-- just sneezed--
and the whole bunch was off.
They run for six miles
before we got them headed.
That's when old Whizzer White
and them three other fellas got it.
- I remember.
- You knowed Old Whizzer, didn't you?
Yeah, no stampedes for me. I--
- I don't like them.
- I don't like coyotes.
Use your head.
One shot on a night like tonight is apt
to start the whole herd running.
Sure. I wasn't thinking.
They're heading for camp!
Cut them off!