No, they won't. Nobody's going
to tie me to no wagon wheel.
Then you'll take it without a wheel
to lean against.
I was wrong, awful wrong,
but nobody's going to whip me.
- Turn around.
- Don't do it.
Turn around,
or you'll get it in the eye.
Don't do it!
You'd have shot him
right between the eyes.
Just as sure as
you're standing there.
You shot him.
You can take care of him.
And the rest of you. You got
a couple of thousand head to round up.
Get at it!
Go ahead. Say it.
You was wrong, Mr. Dunson.
Thanks, Matt.
He would have killed me.
Yeah. You going to be able
to make it home all right?
Won't be no party,
but he'll make it.
- Groot will fix you up with some food.
- Sure.
Take along an extra horse, huh?
This might hurt.
You're fast with that gun, Matt.
Awful fast. But your heart's soft.
Too soft.
Might get you hurt someday.
Could be.
I wouldn't count on it.