
(Phillip) That's not true.
l never strangled a chicken in my life!
(Brandon) - Now look here, Phillip -

(Phillip) l never strangled a chicken,
and you know it.

(Janet Laughing) Forgive me,
but it just seemed very funny,

you two being so intense
about an old, dead chicken.

(Brandon) Sorry.
We were ridiculous and very rude.

l apologise for both of us and the story.
- Is it all over?
- I'm afraid so, Rupert.

Oh, what a pity.
In a moment, you might have strangled
each other instead of a chicken.

(Atwater) - Mr Cadell, really.
- But a man's honour was at stake.

And personally, I think a chicken
is as good a reason for murder

as a blonde, a mattress full of dollar bills,
or any of the customary,
unimaginative reasons.

Now, you don't really approve
of murder, Rupert, if I may.

You may, and I do.
Think of the problems it would solve -

unemployment, poverty,
standing in line for theatre tickets.

I must say,
I've had a perfectly dreadful time

getting tickets for that new musical,
what's it called?

- You know.
- ''Something'' with what's-her-name?

My dear Mrs Atwater,
careful application of the trigger finger

and a pair of seats in the first row
is yours for the shooting.

And have you had any difficulty getting
into our velvet rope restaurants?

- Frightful!
- A very simple matter.

A flick of the knife, madam,
and if you'll kindly step this way -
Oh, no, step over the head waiter's body.
Thank you, and here's your table.
(Janet laughing)
Rupert, you're the end.

(Kenneth) There's a hotel clerk
l could cheerfully flick a knife at.

Oh, no, sorry. Knives may not
be used on hotel employees.

They are in the
''death by slow torture'' category,

along with bird lovers,
small children and tap-dancers.

Landlords, of course, are another matter.
You seeking an apartment?

Call on our Miss Sash Weight
of the blunt instrument department.
What a divine idea!
If it suits your purpose, merely...
