- But we'd all be murdering each other.
- Oh no. Oh no.
After all, murder is, or should be, an art.
Not one of the seven lively, perhaps,
but an art, nevertheless.
As such, the privilege of
committing it should be reserved
for those few who
are really superior individuals.
And the victims - inferior beings
whose lives are unimportant anyway.
(Rupert) Obviously.
Now mind you,
l don't hold with the extremists
who feel there should be open season
for murder all year round.
No, personally, I would prefer to have...
''Cut a Throat Week.''
Or ''Strangulation Day.''
Probably a symptom
of approaching senility,
but I must confess I really don't
appreciate this morbid humour.
- The humour was unintentional.
- You're not serious about these theories.
(Brandon) - Of course he is.
- You're both pulling my leg.
No. Why do you think that?
The notion that murder is an art
which superior beings should practice -
(Rupert) ln season!
- Now I know you're not serious.
(Rupert) - l'm a very serious fellow.
Then may I ask who is to decide
if a human being is inferior,
and is therefore
a suitable victim for murder?
- The privileged few who commit it.
- And just who might they be?
Oh, myself, Phillip...
possibly Rupert.
(Rupert) l'm sorry, Kenneth, you're out.
- Gentlemen, I'm serious.
- And so are we, Mr Kentley.
The few are those men of such
intellectual and cultural superiority
that they're above
the traditional moral concepts.
Good and evil, right and wrong were
invented for the ordinary average man,
the inferior man, because he needs them.
So you agree with Nietzsche
and his theory of the superman.
- Yes, I do.
- So did Hitler.
Hitler was a paranoid savage.
His supermen, all fascist supermen
were brainless murderers.
I'd hang any who were left.
But then, you see,
I'd hang them first for being stupid.
I'd hang all incompetents and fools.
There are far too many in the world.
Then hang me. I must be stupid, because
I don't know if you're serious or not.