- Good morning, George.
- 0h, bonjour, madame.
How is Madame George?
0h, she's la très jalouse.
Very jalouse.
It's that bit of a photograph
we had took together. Cold drink?
They been looking all over London
for you this morning.
That's what I said.
How much longer must I wait?
- I'll send for the SM.
- What is your name?
Julian Craster.
I have an appointment
with Mr Lermontov.
Julian Kwis...Kweiss...
- Craster.
- Kwaster.
Well, George, if this young man
is invited by Mr Lermontov,
you can pass him, yes?
Ça va by me, madame. Ça va by me.
Follow me, young man.
- Est-ce que vous...?
- Comment?
Are you a dancer?
Yes...at night.
Not very much in the morning.
I don't know much about the ballet.
- You are artiste?
- Yes. I'm a composer.
Ah! And you wish to see who?
Well, I'm afraid I'm not quite sure.
They are all there. Take your choice.
Excuse me. Who's in charge?
There's five or six of them
that thinks they are.
- Can you tell me who's in charge?
- Don't ask me.
I'm just somebody's mother.
That doesn't mean much around here,
I can tell you.
- Can you tell me who's in charge?
- In charge of what?
- Mr Lermontov asked me to come.
- Why?
- He's engaged me.
- Not as a dancer, I hope.
Allons, mes enfants! Au boulot!
Well, Mr Ratov,
Mr Ljubov wants it moved.
It is on the plan,
and there it stays.
Well, if you say so.