Met a friend of yours coming
out, Smitty. Barney Rebstock.
Uh, Barney heard you'd been
shot up. He asked after you.
Yeah. He seemed mighty disappointed
when he heard you wasn't buried yet.
Was he headed for town?
Shipping a bunch of steers.
I'll drive back to town
with ya, Bill. What for?
A word with Rebstock.
Why don't you keep your big
mouth shut? Yeah, why don't I?
Now, wait a minute, Smitty. What's the
rush to see Rebstock? I want Barton.
What? Are you crazy? You think he's got
Barton in his hat or somethin'? Yeah.
Why? I got a hunch he's got
Barton holed up in Williams Canyon.
Come on, Bill. Now, look, Smitty.
Let me handle this, will ya?
If your hunch is right, maybe I can
persuade Rebstock to turn Barton in.
What are you mixing in this for?
Well, you're certainly in no shape to.
Any other reason?
I don't want any trouble
with Rebstock.
Since when has a man like Rebstock, a thief
and a cattle rustler, meant anything to you?
If a man's railroading or in the cattle business,
he's gotta be friendly with his neighbours.
All right, Murray. Take it
easy. This is my job, remember?
This is what Bucks
pays me for.
- Good-bye, Murray. Tell Marian thanks
for everything. - Yeah. I sure will.
Well, hello, Smith.
Hello there.
Hopping around again, huh? Well, I'm
certainly happy it's nothing serious.
- I'd like a word with you, Rebstock. - It'd be a
real pleasure, son, but I'm a little busy now.
I wanna get the cattle loaded before...
All right. When?
Well, how 'bout Pete's
right after supper?
I'd esteem it a privilege to
buy you a drink. I'll be there.
Fine. Come on.