I don't like it, Smitty.
I don't like any part of it.
That Whitey. Did you see his eyes?
They were cutting your liver out.
I'm telling ya, Smitty, you're walking
right into it. You, with only one arm.
Aw, take it easy, Bill. Sweet suffering
Moses, boy, why don't you get the sheriff?
Mac? By the time he got on a
horse, Barton'd die of old age.
Oh, Mr. McCloud!
Mr. McCloud, I'd like you to meet
Luke Smith. So you're the great Smith.
I don't know about that. Glad
to hear it was nothing serious.
Well, thanks.
Heard a lot about you, Smith.
All of it good, I hope.
Well, according to President
Bucks, you're practically a legend.
He just sent me a wire. He seemed pretty happy
about the way you handled the Barton business.
You can tell him the score on the
Bartons is still two down and one to go.
I certainly will.
- Luke!
- I'll be seeing you.
Well, well. How's my boy?
Hello, Emmy.
Oh, Luke, it seems
you're always in trouble.
One of these days, you're
gonna... Don't worry about me.
The important thing is how are
you? Oh, I'm fine, Luke, just fine.
And still got her looks, huh,
Smitty, even if she is falling apart.
Falling apart? You, with your store
teeth and your hair coming out.
Say, Emmy, if you've got a horse, I could eat
half of it. Supper'll be right on the table.
The sooner, the better, on account
of tonight, I gotta see a man...
about a dog.
Put him away, Seagrue.
Say, I was down the south meadow.
We'd better get those cattle out of there tomorrow
Take care of it first thing in the morning.
Hi there, honey!
Oh, Murray,
won't you ever grow up?
If you'll call Luke now, we'll
eat. Luke's gone into town.
What for? He had some crazy
idea he could nail Barton.
Murray, he's in no condition to do that.
That's what I told him, but you know Smitty.