Well, well. So here you
are. Sit you down, son.
Sit down.
Well, you see, Whitey and
me's all ready for you.
There we are.
Now then, son,
just what's on your mind?
Any favour me and Whitey
can do for ya'll be a real pleasure.
- Won't it, Whitey?
- Rebstock, I'll not waste your time,
and I'll thank you
not to waste mine.
You've got Blake Barton.
I want him.
Well, that's just fine, son,
just fine and dandy.
And how would you like him wrapped up...
fancy-like, with pink ribbons, or just plain?
Don't be a clown, Rebstock.
- Ain't you got enough troubles?
- Yeah. You want part of 'em?
Keep your hands on that table, or I'll blast you
out of the chair. Now, boys, boys, boys. Listen.
Listen, son. You got me all wrong. If we had
Barton, it'd be a pleasure to turn him in.
I know enough polecats
without hiding out one of his stripe.
No, sir. You certainly
have got me all wrong.
I'll tell you what I'll do, Rebstock.
I'll give you 48 hours
to run Barton out of Williams Canyon.
If you don't,
I'm coming in after him.
And that might not
be too good for you.
Give me three cards.