Whispering Smith

Hiya, Smitty.
So long, Luke.

Oh, where have you been
Billy boy, Billy boy

Oh, where have you been
charming Billy

I have been to seek a wife
She's the darling of my life
She's a young thing
And cannot leave her mother
- Emmy, what's the time? - It's an hour
past breakfast, that's what time it is.

He could stay
in bed all day.

Can she bake a cherry pie
Billy boy, Billy boy

Can she bake a cherry pie
charming Billy

She can bake a cherry pie
quick as cat can wink its eye

She's a young thing
And cannot leave her mother
You shouldn't have bothered, Emmy. I've
gotta make the most of ya while I got ya.

Ohh, bless you.
Drink your coffee
before it gets cold.

Good morning, Doc.

Hello, Doc.
How are you, Smitty?

Hello, Baggs.
How's that flipper coming along?

Oh, good as new, thanks.
Fine. Fine.

You know, that's four slugs I've dug
out of him. Sort of saving them up.

Bobby, shake hands with Mr.
Smith. Bobby's my grandson.

He's been batching with me out at the
ranch a spell. Oh. Glad to meet you, Bobby.

Say, are you Whispering Smith?
That's what they tell me.

Aw, gee.
Is this your dog?

Yeah. That's Holy Moses.
Hmm. What's he got in his mouth?

Huh? Well.
You oughta take a lesson
from your dog, learn to save your money.

Smitty, we've gotta be
running along. All right, Doc.

So long, Luke.
Bye, Baggs.

Take it easy, boy.
Good-bye, Bobby.
