You realize, of course, that drinking
on the job is against the rules.
Sweating out here in the hot sun like this,
a man needs more in his guts than plain water.
Isn't that right, fellas?
That's right.
- These cigars. Are they off the wreck too?
- Where else?
Sinclair, I'll give you five minutes;
then I'll expect these men back at work.
Why, you...
Take it easy, Murray.
He's only trying to do his job.
He's got a lot to learn yet.
Maybe I should learn him
with a pick handle.
Why don't you try giving him a break?
Maybe he'll learn as he goes along, huh?
What's that you're loading?
Oh, just some stuff that... some stuff
that got busted up in the wreck, I guess.
You got a match?
Whose wagon is this?
- Hey, Murray!
- Yeah!
Fella here wants to know
whose wagon this is.
It's mine, and these
men are off my ranch.
What is all this? It's
just exactly what you see...
damaged merchandise,
mostly junk.
Where are you hauling it?
What's it to you
where we're hauling it?
Junk, huh?
Personally, I'd call it loot.
McCloud, I don't like that word.
Hauling away about $2,000 worth
of perfectly sound merchandise,
I think loot's the right word.
As long as there's been a railroad, stuff
like this has been for the wrecking crews.
Am I right, boys?
That's one of the things
Bucks sent me here to stop.
you'll unload that wagon.
Dansing, set this stuff
back on the right-of-way.
All right, boys... I'll brain the
first man that lays a hand on it!
That's right, Murray!
Murray, I think we can talk this
over quietly, the three of us.
Now, you stay out of this, Smith.
This is between me and McCloud.
No, Murray, it's between you and the
railroad. And I'm afraid that cuts me in.
All right, boys. Clear the tracks.
And lay off my crew, will ya?
If you want my job,
say so, and I'll quit.