sorry, Murray.
Looks like Bucks is getting himself
quite an education.
There are some pretty fancy words here.
"Appreciate your intervention,
"but am convinced that Sinclair
has outlived his usefulness.
This decision is final."
Well, you didn't do so well,
did you, Smitty?
I'm sure
Luke did all he could.
Yeah, I'll bet he did.
Luke is leaving town tonight.
I'm afraid Bucks
has made a mistake...
a big mistake.
Luke, that'll be your train.
I'd better be getting on it.
Come on, girls.
Let's go see him off.
Good-bye, Emmy.
Good-bye, Luke.
Sure felt like coming home.
God bless you.
Come back soon. Promise, now. Sure.
All aboard.!
Good-bye, Marian.
Take care of yourself.
I'm sorry
Murray acted the way he did.
You can't blame him.
He's disappointed,
and so am I.
Tell him I'll try again
when I get to Chicago.