Hi. You're late.
I won't be a minute.
Just one last look at the twins
and I've gotta give Sadie her check.
On behalf of the underprivileged
children of this town...
I'd like to thank you
over-privileged ladies...
for sharing your
excess privileges with us.
There's something odd-looking
about you today, George.
Just that usual two-headed
schoolteacher look.
You're all dressed up. Saturday,
no school, and you're all dressed up.
Just my little old blue serge.
First Saturday of trout season. Brad says
ever since you were big enough lift a fish...
Shh. Listen closely.
Can you hear the grateful murmur of the trout
as they whisper in the brooks and streams?
This is what they whisper:
"Phipps will not fish today."
Mm. You're cute. But why?
Because I've got
something better to do.
Have a nice day.
Debby, darling, we'll have to stop station.
I've just got to get my copy off on the 8:42.
Do you mind?
What's George
being so mysterious about?
I wouldn't know.
It seems we're not talking.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Oh, it's just one of those things.
It'll be all right.
Why? Was he acting strangely?
Mm. Not exactly. Well, it's only he's
not going fishing and being all dressed up.
All dressed up?
Why, so he is. His blue suit.
On Saturday of all things.
And no fishing. Hmm.
The radio hasn't been fixed yet.
Oh. And they've just
gone on the air.
Oh, well. Save myself listening
to the murder of my little brainchild.
Rita, why on earth do you do it?
Five of those radio programs every week.
Up until dawn
almost every night.
Because each week
I receive in return 100 pieces...
of what Addie Ross calls
"the most restful shade of green in the worid."
Unquote. Addie again.
Why is it that sooner or later,
no matter what we talk about...