I'm no raving beauty,
heaven knows...
but I did so wanna look
my miserable best tonight.
The very first time we've gone out together
all dressed up like civilians.
And you would be
the one man in the worid...
that looks even better out
of uniform than in.
Got the jumps, kid?
It's been quite a day, that's all.
Quite a change.
Out of the navy, out of uniform.
New home, new town, new friends.
Oh, I told that blasted girl
I wanted to comb it out soft!
It's making me look even more
like a farmhand than I feel.
- Easy does it.
- Meeting your friends for the first time.
You wouldn't want them
to see me like this.
I should hope not.
You be sure to put on a dress.
- Hey! My tie.
- You can tie it again.
There they are.
- Brad, about my dress... you might not like it.
- If you're in it, I'll love it.
It's my only one and years old. Remember
there wasn't time today to get a new one...
and even years ago,
it wasn't exactly the last word.
That was the last word.
Hurry up.
Which ones are they?
I wanna have it right.
Rita and George Phipps.
We all grew up together.
He teaches at the high school,
they have twins...
and she just got a job
writing for the radio.
Did you like her very much...
when you grew up together, I mean.
Rita and George were engaged
at the age of five by swapping beetles.
- She was never my type.
- What is your type?
Fat, squat, little brunettes
with mustaches.
Get going... and take another whack
at that hair.