Let's get into this, George. Something
tells me this is going to be quite a waltz.
- Brad.
- Having fun?
- Brad, listen.
- Hold on, baby.
- Once more.
- No!
Deborah, what on earth
have you done to yourself?
Brad, let me handle this.
Uh, pardon my fingers.
- Here. Drink this.
- What is it?
A new inner tube.
There you are. I think
that'll be all right.
- Thank you, Miss Jenkins.
- You're welcome.
Rita, will you take me home?
You've got the idea everybody out there is
watching that door waiting for you to come out.
- Maybe not, but Brad is.
- Then it's because he's worried about you.
It's because he's ashamed!
In front of his friends...
ugly and pinned up,
drunk and sick.
Oh, I wanted so much to be what he wanted,
to do what was right, like...
like Addie Ross,
the right thing at the right time.
But I didn't, I couldn't.
L- I'm humiliated.
What happened tonight could have happened
to anyone. Don't you realize that?
Then take my word for it.
Come on.