A Letter to Three Wives

Why, there's Brad.
I see Addie got here after all.
- Is is Brad?
- Is it Brad?

- Is is Brad?
- Is it Brad?

- Is is Brad?
- Is it Brad?

Is it Brad?
Don't expect us back too soon.
We kids are going after everything
from sardines to wolves.

You'll have no trouble
finding wolves, honey.

- Almost lunchtime?
- I've called a recess.

When your own fingers begin to look
like frankfurters, it's time for a slight rest.

I suppose it's occurred to you...
that Lora Mae's kept herself as busy
as a bird dog ever since we got here.

The very thought of a hike
wears me out.

Maybe she just doesn't wanna sit still.
You sit still,
you can't help thinking, can you?

- Depends on what you think about.
- Well, for instance...

why your husband should suddenly decide
to go to the city on a Saturday morning.

- You mean Brad?
- No. I meant Porter.
He was at the station this morning.

He nearly knocked me down
when I was mailing my copy.

Funny Lora Mae doesn't
seem to know about it.

Why did you think
I meant Brad?

Maybe because it might
keep you from wondering...

why George dressed up
on Saturday with no school.

You're being a little too touchy about
a perfectly inoffensive remark, seems to me.

Oh, let's stop this sudden bickering.
We're beginning to behave
like some movie about a women's prison.
