Mine plays two dozen records, different sizes.
Mix 'em up any way you like.
Radio gets China clear as a bell.
Also televisión.
Except there's no televisión to get.
- We're too far away.
- Only televisión set in town.
Like playing tennis without a ball.
What do you want me to do about it,
build you a broadcasting station?
You don't need a station.
Just yell a little louder.
Uh, Mrs. Manleigh, are you sure
I can't get you a drink?
- A cocktail maybe or scotch?
- Never touch it...
alcohol that is, in any form.
- Oh. Uh, Mr. Manleigh?
- He doesn't either.
Well, coming from show business,
you might say...
I always imagined "those kind"
took a nip now and then.
Wouldn't be keeping faith
with our clients...
the most respected trademarks
in the American home.
Well, I think I'll have one more.
I've often wondered, Porter,
why you haven't considered radio advertising.
Mr. Hollingsway has a chain
of seven department stores all over the state.
I know all about it. 23% by volume
over last year. 138% over 1939.
- Where'd you get those figures?
- They're a matter of public record, Mr. Hollingsway.
Yours is too big a light
to be hid under a bushel.
George, would you fix me
a small bromo seltzer?
- You're a potential giant, Mr. Hollingsway.
- Not too small.
- Doing all right.
- I said a potential giant.
Something tells me I'm gonna
have a giant around the house.
Got this whole state
sewed up tight.
- But there are 47 other states, Porter.
- Crackerjack point.
Now, you take the three states
adjoining this one.
If I can put you,
Porter Hollingsway...
into millions of those homes
for one half hour each week...
He doesn't spend that much time
in his own home.
Excuse me.
I told you the screen
was a crummy idea.
- Soup's on.
- Thank you, Sadie.
- Mrs. Manleigh.
- Lora Mae.