another case in the notebook
of Linda Gray, Registered Nurse.
- Listen next week for another
chapter in this human document.
Linda Gray is brought to you by Protecto,
product of the Duro-Enamel Company.
Remember, one thin coat of Protecto
after bathing guarantees against...
This is the Allied Broadcasting Company.
Might as well turn it off.
There's nothing but music from now on.
My, that was fun. Two whole hours.
Linda ran over almost a minute.
- The third time in a month.
- Three minutes gone...
one full commercial,
gone for good.
Well, some more coffee anybody?
- George?
- Hmm?
- Oh, uh, some more coffee, anybody?
- I just asked everybody, dear.
- Well, time to go home.
- Already?
Seems as if you just got here.
- Come on, Giant. Back to the bean stalk.
- Get your coat. I'm ready.
Been such a lovely evening, my dear.
Pleasant company.
- The duck was fine.
- Of course, eating out here
off your laps, gypsy fashion...
- The time just flew by.
- Tempo fugit.
- Right, Professor?
- Almost.
- And our little hostess has her work to do.
- Oh, it's not so much.
Perhaps we can drive out and have lunch
with you one day soon, Mr. Hollingsway.
Maybe at one of the other stores.
We'll make our appointment
well in advance and at your convenience.
You're gonna be a giant.
Relax and enjoy it.
I hope you listened
conscientiously, my dear.
Particularly to Linda Gray.
You can learn a great deal about writing.
- Yes, they are well-written, aren't they?
- Why, they're perfection.
Didn't you think so, Mr. Phipps?
Oh, I beg your pardon.
I wasn't listening.
We'll see how much
of an expert you are.
Which of the programs
did you think was the best?
They all sounded
pretty much alike to me.
Uh, I thought you were
a student of good writing.
Oh, he is.
He's given courses in the university.
- Then which was the best?
- I wish you wouldn't ask me that.