- Maybe raise the standard.
- Of commercial radio?
What's the phrase...
"Wait for your laugh"?
I'm a schoolteacher.
That's even worse than being an intellectual.
Schoolteachers are not only comic...
they're often cold and hungry
in this richest land on Earth.
And thousands are quitting every year
to take jobs that pay them a decent living.
- That is unhappily true.
- Then why not you?
Because I can't think of myself
doing anything else.
What would happen,
do ya think, if we all quit?
Who'll teach the kids?
Who'd open their minds and hearts...
to the real glories of the human spirit
past and present.
Who'd help them along to the future?
Radio sponsors?
Comic strips?
At that, I've been
luckier than most.
Even without what you earn,
I've managed to keep our heads above water.
It's quite a strain over a period of time
with the water lapping at your chin.
That's where
you've been a great help.
You've made it a lot easier
for both of us.
I'll admit is has upset
my male ego from time to time.
And your overdeveloped
sense of taste and discrimination...
which is apparently equaled
only by that of Addie Ross.
Let's try to keep Addie
out of this one.
I am fed up with taste
and discrimination.
- You're not making sense.
- I'm fed up with your nobility
and wisdom and superiority...
- and your contempt for me
in everything I try to do.
- You're talking nonsense.
- Everything I say is nonsense.
- It's all this work. You're overtired.
You do too much.
What do you suggest I stop doing,
this moronic radio trash...
- with which I pay most of your bills?
- Now calm down.
And what do I go back to,
washing, scrubbing, ironing...
and a life of taste
and discrimination?
I'm fed up with Addie Ross!
- What's it all about, really?
- "If music be the food of love... play on."
"Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,
the appetite may sicken, and so die.
From Twelfth Night, by Mr. Shakespeare,
which Addie and I played in high school.
I thought it was a very clever note.
And there was more to it
than a childhood memory.
Yes, there was,
but we won't go into that.
We're going to get a few things
straightened out once and for all. Sit down.
- Yes, professor.
- Sit down!
Seven years ago I made the most perfect
marriage ever devised by man, heaven or radio.