My wife was an independent,
understanding woman.
We thought the same thing
about everything, from baseball to Brahms.
In those seven years, I was never
contemptuous of you. I was proud.
But when that drooling pap
began to change you...
when your independence
turned to fear...
when I watched you snivel and grovel around
those two walking commercials...
I didn't like it,
and I don't like it.
I don't want to be
married to Linda Gray...
Brenda Brown
or even Myrtle Tippet.
I want my own wife back.
Why didn't George go fishing?
Why the blue suit?
Lora Mae?
Lora Mae, are you ready?
My, all that running,
hiking and baseball...
your feet must be ready
to drop off.
I've covered more ground in Porter's store
from the notion's counter...
- just back and forth to the water cooler.
- How's it feel, Lora Mae?
Porter spreading out on a national scale,
gonna be a big merchant prince.
- How's it supposed to feel?
- No more small towns for Porter.
He'll be after the big cities.
He'll be after... what is it
he always calls it... class?
Look, why don't I save you a lot of trouble
and tell you what you want to know...
and you can tell Debby and that'll
keep you busy until I'm dressed.
I don't know whether Porter ran off
with Addie, but get this... I don't care.