A Letter to Three Wives

I've got everything I want.
- For instance?
- Some time we'll spend a week
at the old Finney mansiĆ³n...

down by the tracks
and I'll go into detail.

Right now,
I'd better get dressed.

You know what?
I think you're worried.

I think you're just as worried
as the rest of us.

I've got everything I want.
Maybe you haven't got
everything you wanted after all.

Maybe you haven't got
everything that you wanted after all.

- Your bet.
- How much you got in front of you?

About $11,000.
That's my bet.
- Okay, what do you got?
- Ace high.

- Your next?
- Jack.

Nine. You win. Beer?
Yeah, if you're
all out of champagne.
