I will not promise
a definite delivery date of braceros
But will do my utmost
to get labor to you on time.
I have heard of
this machine.
It talks to you.
Also, it shows pictures.
I didn't see
any pictures.
Only at night, estupido.
Wrestling pictures.
You know my previous record
for promptness...
Parkson: what do you think
you're doing, hmm?
What do you want?
Hugo sent us.
Is Hugo crazy?
Oh, it is important
to him and to you, so we run the risks.
What do you mean?
About the immigration
permits, senor.
What about them?
You are having
trouble for them, huh? For the lack of them?
you have some?
Mr. Parkson, very many.
Over 400.
With you?
No, senor.
That would be stupid.
Hugo has them.
Oh. Oh, Hugo.
Well, not
exactly Hugo.
A man has them.
Oh, a man.
And Hugo has
the man.
That's simple, isn't it?
Ha ha ha!
Si, senor.
All things are simple...
if one has courage
and wisdom.
And where is this man?
Oh, safe,
Mr. Parkson, very safe--
Almost like
in a prison.
Yes. Hugo's no fool.
No, senor,
Hugo is no fool.
I could use
some crossing cards,
But how do I know that
what you tell me...
is true?
By this, senor.