And all the fights.
The fights we had.
Boy, we sure used to go
'round and 'round.
What did we ever have
to fight about anyway?
It was crazy.
We were in love,
weren't we?
I guess you can't fight
with anyone unless
you really like 'em.
Wouldn't be
much fun, would it?
- Then we'd make up.
- We'd make up.
Those were times,
weren't they, Steve?
That was the best part, I think.
The making up part.
Excuse me.
You're sitting in my chair.
You runnin' around
with him?
Steve, this is Slim Dundee.
I know him.
He's a well-known man.
Steve Thompson.
You wanna join us?
No, we just ran into
each other and stopped
to say hello, that's all.
Well, so long.
Wait a minute, Steve.
You'll give me a ring,
won't you?
Sure, sure. We'll probably run
into each other now and then.
Why shouldn't we?
Here you are, Pop.
Papers from
the bonding company.
Sign 'em
and I'm all set.
How did he make out
on the gun range, Johnny?
Did he pass?
Two eighty-nine out of
a possible three hundred.
Two eighty-nine?
I don't know how you
ever got along without me.
Pip, pip.
Look at him go.
I can still shoot
rings around you
any day in the week.
Oh, reading glasses.
Used for reading purposes only.
I've got perfect eyesight.
All the doctors remark on it.
Here they come.
You got a defense
against an aerial holdup?
They're liable to start
coming at you someday
with a helicopter.
I'll tell ya something.
Nobody ever got away with
a heist on an armored truck
in 28 years.