As a matter of fact,
they don't even try anymore.
You hear that, Pop?
The deal is off.
Holy smokes.!
Is that you, Thompson?
Are you comin'
back to work here?
Figured you guys needed a hand.
Holy smokes!
They're takin' Thompson back.
Company's goin' to the dogs.
What do you wanna
sit around inside
these armored trucks for?
Take O'Hearn.
He's got the jitters.
He goes out to Catalina,
spends his two-week vacation
in a glass-bottomed boat...
so he can look out
four directions
at the same time.
Hey, Walter.
How's the wife?
My wife? She's at the beach.
We took a place down at Balboa.
See, she thinks she's run-down,
needs a change.
Actually, she likes
to take sunbaths.
All women are nuts
about gettin' sunburned.
I don't care. I indulge her.
I'm not picayune.
Steve, you used
to have a wife,
didn't you?
Whatever happened
to her? How is she?
Well, so long, Pop,
and thanks a lot.
So long, fellas.
I'll see ya all soon.
So long.
Yeah, take it easy.
I certainly made no hit
with that crack about
his wife, did I?
Well, you know how it is.
He's divorced, but he's
still got her in his bones.
I guess it takes some time.
Oh, but it's all finished.
Now don't get me wrong.
He's all through with it.
There's no question about that.
That's just like you,
calling me up at my house from
a drugstore around the corner.
You're sore?
Keep eatin' that stuff,
you're gonna get
as fat as a horse.
Steve, I wanna
tell you something.
That fellow, Dundee?
Slim Dundee?
He just asked me for a date.
He just took me out, that's all.
Eat your lunch
these days?
Come on, Steve.
Come on what?
You can be a nice guy
when you want to.
I don't think
you eat your lunch.
I think you still spend your money
on costume jewelry junk instead.
Just like old times.
What's like old times?
Bawling me out.
Only this time in front
of a drugstore counter.
I'm not sore because you
went out with somebody.
It's perfectly all right.
It's none of my business.
What do you expect me to do,
sit home and mope?
I didn't mean to do
anything wrong.
"I didn't mean
to do anything wrong."