I can handle him.
Get away from me.
You don't use your head.
You don't know
what I'm talkin' about.
You don't hear me.
Hear me, Steve.
I hear ya!
I'm not drunk, I'm sober.
Cold sober!
I'm gonna see Anna.
I'm gonna see her
anytime that I want.
I'm gonna do anything
I please,
and you and Dundee
and nobody else is gonna
tell me what to do.
Anna. What is it?
You gotta hide.
You gotta do something
quick, today.
What happened?
He's on his way back.
He's gonna go looking for you.
How do you know?
He found out.
He must've.
The crazy chances we took
being seen together.
Steve, we were crazy.
When is he
coming back?
I don't know.
Tonight. Tomorrow.
You gotta hurry!
I'm not leavin' ya.
Oh, Steve, please.
Look, there's one thing sure.
You're not staying with him.
Oh, forget about me.
I don't care what happens to me.