Criss Cross

Don't worry.
There'll be plenty left
for all of you.

Slim, he's right.
You're the boss man.
Any way you want it.

Where's Finchley?
Why don't you go see
what's holdin' him up?

Just a minute, Slim.
You know Finch.
You can't rush him.

Slim, why do I have to stay here?
Why don't I go to a movie?

What do you wanna go
to a movie for?
Don't you wanna stick around?

Doesn't this interest ya?
Sit down.

Come on.
Hurry him up.

Here he comes.
Walt talked him into it.

Just dropped by to tell you
you're wasting your time.

We know all that, Finchley.
Come on. Let's go to work.

Believe me, I know more
about the armored truck
business than you do.

You'd be surprised.
I work for them.

Indeed. Indeed.
Now, that certainly makes
an interesting problem,
doesn't it?

You think you can lay it out
for us, Finchley?

What have you in mind?
The Bliss Company

At San Rafelo?
That's right.

Very interesting.


What's so interesting about it?
You're on the coast
at San Rafelo.

There's only one highway available to you
until you pass the bridge.

Don't you see how that
complicates your getaway?

I don't think that's so wonderful;
I think it's rotten.

Give me the road map.
Hmm, that'll take
some doing.

I suggest that you
send out for sandwiches,
or what you will.

It is definitely settled,
the arrangement down
at Conrad's? Hmm?

Paid for.
All been paid for.
Thank you.

Take these cigarette
butts off the table.
Can't stand the stink of'em.
