Wo geht die kurzeste Strasse
nach Heidelberg?
Ah, Heidelberg.
Which is the quickest way
to Heidelberg?
Down here four blocks, turn right and
straight on until the autobahn.
There are signs,
you can't miss it.
Thank you, sergeant.
What have you decided?
We don't know.
I know. Drive.
If you want,
I can take you to the town hall.
Wait here.
I know the mayor...
Wait here.
I can help you...
Wait here!
Capt. Rochard, French Economic Mission.
Joe, you'll need to interpret.
Never mind,
we'll get along all right.
Sorry, sir.
Who did you wish to see?
The O.I.C.A.M.G.W.A.C.
First floor, turn to your right.
Thank you.