That's nonsense.
You hear people talk...
We're no different than
anybody else.
- I don't know, I've just heard talk.
- That's silly.
- Why don't you try it and let me see?
- Catherine...
It's the only way to find out.
But it's so silly.
No harm in trying,
is there?
I suppose not.
All right, go ahead.
- Are you ready?
- Sure.
That was no good,
that wasn't different at all.
I told you it wouldn't be.
I thought it'd be better than that.
You didn't give me
much of a chance.
That wasn't fair.
Of course it wasn't.
I ought to give you
another chance.
Yes, you ought.
Go ahead, try again.
All right.
Come here.
Well, that was a little better.
See? Could've been even better
if I'd had some co-operation.
If I'd had a French girl here...
What do you mean
by that remark?
You haven't been giving me
much help.
- You think a French girl could do better?
- Yes, I do.
- Do you want to try again?
- Yes.
So do I.
Wait a minute. Lean back.
Major, we want to get married.
When did you reach that decision?
This afternoon, about 2:30.
In a haystack,
Henri was on the motorcycle...
I don't think the major will be
interested in the details.
And you two didn't want
to go away together.
It would seem your mission
was very successful.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
You're the first to know.
I guessed as much. As to getting
married, there's one hitch.
- Itch?
- It's probably the haystack...
I don't...
Hitch. Marriages between American
military personnel and aliens,