I've got a gun.
Put your hands up!
You're coming with me.
Stop thief!
After him!
-What happened?
-A thief!
-Did they arrest him?
-No, he got away!
He was wearing
a Iight trench coat!
They'II soon get him then!
WaIter! Where have you been?
I was just caIIing the hoteI.
-HoId me!
-What's going on?
-What's wrong?
-Come on, it's not for Iong.
I'm not going to America!
HoId me, I said.
And don't Iook, you fooI! They're
on to me, don't you understand?
The second rice-workers' train
is Ieaving from pIatform 4.
That's another one gone.
I got the tickets whiIe I waited.
-What do we do?
-The train's no good.
They'II corner us. Come on!