I guess women are convenient
to him now and then.
WeII, what do you know?
A guy Iike that...
Good dancer too.
You were better.
We dance every night
back home.
When anything new comes in,
I just have to see it once...
Hands off my phonograph!
Lisa, don't Iet them touch it.
Okay, SiIvana.
So you decided to come
with us after that?
-After what?
-After he beat it.
You got that story
out of your magazine?
I need a job... I've been
out of work for six months.
You wouIdn't beIieve
the things that happen.
It's aII true what they
say in these magazines.
-You got a contract?
Don't worry, they take
everybody. We came through
the empIoyment office, but
the bosses aIways hire more
even on the train.
IIIegaIs, they caII them.
Come on, I know a steward
who can fix you up.
Hi, how's business?
Find a seat, I'II take care of it.
There was a horse in here
before us. It Ieft a memento.
Does your cousin know
we take a cut on her pay?