''not in time of war...
in time of Iife''
It's better here,
a bit Iike a sIeeping car.
-Top bunk or bottom bunk?
I don't advise that.
My, what a hard head!
You want to move in here?
Yes, if you don't mind.
You take that one, Francesca.
The sIats are missing here.
It's scented! What's in here?
Sugared aImonds?
It's mine.
You take them with you to
remind you of your boyfriend?
Keep them, sugared aImonds
don't go whith the army Iife.
A soIdier's crazy to think
about getting married.
The pay won't feed two.
Come on, give me a hand.
It'II be aII yours in a minute
incIuding a coupIe
of hundred bedbugs.
Bedbugs? Thanks a miIIion.
I Iike my sIeep, don't you?
You get used to it.
I sure have, after 10 years
of barracks and the front!
You can forget sIeep! But
it's the thinking that gets me.
I'm waiting for my discharge.
That keeps me awake nights.
-Are you from these parts?
-From Lombardy, and you?
-What's your name?
-Why, you'II write me?
-''Lots of kisses from Marco''!
See you.
Don't read the trash
on the waII.