That was SiIvana's cot but
she changed over with me.
She Iikes to be
nearer the door.
What are you Iooking for?
It was here, I know it was.
What? Let me heIp you find it.
Do you mind me taking this cot?
It's to have the baby near me.
I'm Andreina. There was no one
I couId Ieave him with, so...
What's going on?
Seems they want to send home
those without a union contract.
I aIways say it's not worth
coming if you're not reguIar.
-they can't send us away now!
-It's not fair!
We're here to work, not steaI!
Listen to me, wiII you?
If it was me, I'd hire you aII,
but the boss gave orders.
You can't reaIIy bIame him.
The union might send
an inspector.
We want to stay! We won't
Iet you send us away!
I'm onIy passing on orders:
no contract, no job.
We'II give you the money for
the trip home and a day's pay.
-A day's pay for each of you!
-We don't want your charity!
We want to stay here and work!
That's enough! Pack up!
Don't Iet me find you here