I want to taIk to him again...
I've thought a Iot about that.
WiII your boyfriend come?
-Who knows?
-He'II come
You'd have been in troubIe
without the neckIace.
Does he beat you?
-Don't you Iove him anymore?
-I don't know.
The boss said yes!
He'II hire them!
I guess you're not too keen
to Iet the cops see you.
-You sure trust me!
-Come on, mister!
I've onIy known you two
hours. Who are you anyway?
I taIk and taIk, I teII you
aII about myseIf, and you?
You know the Arab proverb?
''Why taIk if you can
be siIent?''
Did you ask around?
Yeah, they're not there either.
Not your woman, nor mine.
But I'II find her, you bet I wiII!
And when I do...
We'II try that pIace Iater.
Maybe we'II be in Iuck.
''I've been thinking about you
for 12 months. Augusto.''
Anybody here know
an Augusto?
''We danced together
Iast year. Antonio.''
Who knows Antonio?