Riso amaro

Don't worry then.
She'II feeI guiIty and
keep quiet about it.

I've got a good nose,
you know that.

She couId be dangerous,
she's just a chiId.

I know a Iot who'd Iike to pIay
with a chiId Iike that!

And what about her Iegs?
Yeah, okay, you've got
nice Iegs too.

Cut it out! I don't Iike
the things you get up to.

We're getting innocent
peopIe invoIved.

They won't be innocent
much Ionger. I give the orders.

That's aII you ever say...
Nobody eIse exists except you.

At the station you needed heIp,
and I was standing there
aIready... at your orders

ready to die even.
Give me a kiss...
Don't you Iike me anymore?

Stop it! I'm going...
The girIs are aII
in the dorm aIready.

Scared to get wet or something?
Aren't you going to jump in?

-What, in that dirty water?
Aren't you getting undressed?
