Great. Meet my friends. This big guy
is "Handsome" Dan Shipley.
- Hi.
- What a physique!
The girls see him and faint. He comes
through this, I'll make him a movie star!
Those two guys, Flynns.
That's Eddie and that's Frank.
- Hi, Eddie.
- Hello, Bob.
They don't drink. I got their beer ration.
- And Georgie Hellenopolis, an Irishman.
- Hello, sport.
- Where did you get those cards?
- Off your sack on the ship. Why?
- They're mine, that's why.
- I've seen lots in those bags that aren't.
- Come on, give me.
- "Semper fi", Mac.
- Hey!
- Leave them. It happens 20 times a day.
You know where those guys come from?
Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.
- By the way, who's the squad leader?
- Sergeant Stryker.
- What's he like?
- You'll find out.
I've been in New Zealand two hours
and already they're clamming up on me.
- I hope he knows his stuff.
- Maybe we'll get liberty.
- We ain't replacements any more.
- Where is he? Where's the sergeant?
He's here.
- Well, what do you know? Stryker.
- Hello, Thomas.
- Thought you were in the First.
- I was. Sit down.
Just sit down, Thomas, anywhere.
My name is Stryker,
Sergeant John M Stryker.
You're gonna be my squad, a rifle squad.
Three of us have seen action: Corporal
Dunne, Charlie Bass and myself.
You'll learn from us. In boot camp
you learned out of a book.
Here you gotta remember the book and
learn things that haven't been printed.
You gotta learn right and fast.
Any man that doesn't want to cooperate,
I'll make him wish he hadn't been born.