Of course not.
Stryker, you're a very unusual character.
- Can this be love?
- You know what I mean.
A lot of guys wouldn't see that a woman
needs a husband who's not always away.
A woman wants a home and a guy
to come in and out on time every day.
- You can tell me to shut up.
- If you can't talk to me, who can?
- Don't do it, just for once, don't do it.
- Do what?
Don't start out to get blind, staggering,
stinking, falling down drunk.
Nobody starts out to get blind,
staggering, stinking, falling down drunk.
Some do. Why not leave
half your dough with me?
You got an old maid's failings. You worry.
Don't try to follow me tonight or I'll put
a dent in that ugly head of yours.
- Ready?
- Just a minute.
- What's up?
- Nothing.
Benny didn't strip his M1 fast enough
for Stryker, so he turned him in.
They cancelled his liberty.
Perhaps our sergeant hasn't got a heart
of gold after all, but he certainly is...
You talk too much. You think I restricted
Flynn for my own amusement?
The punishment's unreasonable,
to cancel his liberty for a minor mistake.
I'm gonna tell you something, Conway.
I'm gonna tell all of you.
I'm gonna make it simple
so you'll all understand it.
They handed me you guys as a present,
a regular Easter basket.
They told me to get you into shape
so you can handle a piece of this war.
That's what I'm gonna do and that means
I'm gonna tell you what to do every day,
how to button your buttons
and when to blow your noses.
If you do something I don't like I'm gonna
jump and when I land it'll hurt.
I'll ride you until you can't stand up.
When you do, you'll be marines.