Flynn stays here.
Extra-hard product of a hard school.
Tough luck, Flynn.
- If my brother doesn't go, I'm not going.
- Shut up!
- Who are you telling to shut up?
- You!
Let's go before we all lose our liberty.
I wanna see those Wellington babes.
- How do you feel, boy?
- Like a little bird with feathers on it.
- Don't fly away, little bird.
- I can't. I'm still in the egg.
Beautiful, beautiful! I wanna dance.
You're gonna sit down.
Yes, ma'am, Tennessee,
that's where I come from.
The greatest state in the Union.
They call it the volunteer state.
Right there is where I'm from.
Smithville, Tennessee, what a town!
These are all my cousins on my mama's
side and these are on my papa's side.
We got the best tobacco there is, too.
More fertiliser comes from Tennessee
than any other place in the world.
Listen to that band! Zombies!
They're all dead.
- Maybe they like music that way here.
- Or don't know any other kind.
- I'm talking these boys into a session.
- Maybe they don't have it in them.
After I'm through, they will.
They're breaking my heart.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!