- Schoolteacher, do me some homework.
- What's your problem, son?
Put down 5,000. Scuttlebutt says
that's how many Nips are on that rock.
- The Navy fired 1,000 tons of shells.
- Don't forget the fly-fly boys.
Those B-24s have really
been working them over.
Now add the tons of explosives, divide it
by the Nips and get the answer.
- Maybe we'll be back for noon chow.
- Don't figure that way.
The Navy and the fly-fly boys unloaded
plenty on the canal before we went in.
When we got ashore there were still a lot
of those lemon-coloured guys waiting.
Only way that island was taken
was by putting marines on the beach.
You've heard the naval foray's a waste
of time and metal. Stryker knows better.
- Who cut you in on this conversation?
- You say when I can and can't talk?
- Just when you can't talk to me.
- Knock it off, Conway.
I've had enough of your "hardbitten
sergeant" attitude.
You're so big everybody's been afraid
to take a punch at you. I'm not!
Cool off!
Forget that pencil and paper routine and
worry about staying alive on that beach.
- Don't expect any soft touch!
- "Now hear this"!
All troops report
to your debarking stations!