That was close.
Next time don't be in such a hurry.
- You're across, ain't you?
- Across what? To where?
- I'm running low on ammo.
- I am too.
Forgot about that.
We gotta get some more.
- I'll go.
- Wait! Pick a number from one to six.
- Two.
- Five.
You're both wrong.
That guy kills me.
Thomas better hurry!
- How about some bandoliers, Mac?
- Help yourself.
- How are things going up front?
- Pretty rough.
- Keep it coming.
- Good luck.
- Is that coffee?
- It sure is. Do you want some?
Do I want some, he says!
I haven't had any joe
since we left the ship.
You mortarmen sure live
the life of Riley here.
Here you are.